Thursday, August 27, 2020
Marine Arthropod Facts and Examples
Marine Arthropod Facts and Examples Arthropods are creatures in the Phylum Arthropoda, an extremely different gathering of life forms that incorporates creepy crawlies, crabs, lobsters, scorpions, and centipedes. Qualities of Arthropods: All arthropods have: Jointed legs, making them snappy moving organismsA fragmented bodyA hard exoskeleton made of a solid polysaccharide called chitin. This hard shell ensures the creature and holds dampness. Grouping: Realm: AnimaliaPhylum: Arthropoda Natural surroundings and Distribution: Arthropods are found in natural surroundings everywhere throughout the world - dry land, new water, and salt water. In the sea, they can live from seaside territories like sandy sea shores and intertidal regions right to the remote ocean. Propagation: Most arthropods replicate explicitly, through inner preparation. In numerous arthropods, for example, crabs, you can see eggs joined to the mid-region. Marine Examples of Arthropods: Instances of marine arthropods: LobstersCrabs (e.g., green crab, creepy crawly crab, recluse crab)Horseshoe crabsSea spidersBarnaclesCopepodIsopodsAmphipodsSkeleton shrimp
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mcdonald’s Healthier Happy Meals Essay
So as to effectively roll out these improvements McDonald’s employed an examination gathering to lead a broad research and present them with a financially savvy arrangement. The Research Questions The inquiries the organization needed to investigate to determine this issue was: * How would they be able to make the dinners for the youngsters more advantageous while keeping up the comfort that inexpensive food is known for? * How would they be able to cut the calories from their current dinners? * How would they be able to make sound food alluring to youngsters? * How would they be able to keep these more advantageous alternatives financially savvy? * What might be the best promoting procedure to dispatch these more advantageous changes? The Hypothesis A speculation investigates a notion or proposed clarification made based on restricted proof as a beginning stage for additional examination (Merriam-Webster, 2013). In the investigation to bring up an issue and discover an answer, the organization needs to confront the inquiry: how might they make the suppers for the kids more advantageous while keeping up the accommodation that cheap food is known for? During that time McDonald’s has added a couple new highlights to their menu like a more extensive determination in pastries, a worth menu, and select new reviving more beneficial decisions to their cheap food chain. Be that as it may, the inquiry presently is, how might they further cut the calories from these suppers? Truly, McDonald’s has increased a fine regard in the cheap food industry for moving up to more beneficial decisions, yet now the children menu may require some redoing all alone. In the event that the normal menu can give more beneficial decision choices like plates of mixed greens, under 400 calories, and weight watcher endorsed things, what would they be able to do about glad dinners? An answer for giving a more advantageous choice is to offer an increasingly valuable supper that children can appreciate. Apple packs, celery sticks, carrots, decreased milk, prepared rather than singed things and more beneficial meat. Those are only several recommendations to an issue that is anything but difficult to comprehend. The primary object is to change the world slowly and carefully, and more beneficial living for is the new street to take. The Variables Local social orders are turning out to be more wellbeing soul and searching for more advantageous choices when going out to eat. Despite the fact that McDonald’s didn't follow the well known methodology by tricking individuals in using acclaimed famous people, individuals felt that offering plays with their Happy Meals were inadmissible. The factors in an examination situation are viewed as free (IV) and ward factors (DV). In this examination situation the free factors are the food and the promoting procedure, while the measure of calories and enthusiasm of the youngsters are the reliant factors. Numerous youngsters were pulled in to McDonald’s Happy Meals for the toy they got with it and this is the thing that their promoting technique spun around. In April 2012, The Time’s discharged the article â€Å"Why we’re eating less cheerful meals†. The article’s fundamental center was McDonald’s utilization of plays with their Happy Meals and the utilization of a jokester who â€Å"is dead set on the dreadful strategic drawing kids into McDonald’s, where they’ll be filled out and prepared for a lifetime of standard inexpensive food feasting visits†(Tuttle, 2012, p. 1). Alongside improving their Happy Meals, McDonald’s has additionally changed their promoting technique. They despite everything offer the toys yet it is not, at this point their principle point of convergence. Rather they presently show Ronald McDonald messing about, taking an interest in solid exercises and broadcasting that a more advantageous way of life is a ton of fun.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Supercharge Wordpress Blog With Cloudflare, MaxCDN and W3 Total Cache
Supercharge Wordpress Blog With Cloudflare, MaxCDN and W3 Total Cache Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Supercharge WordPress Blog With Cloudflare, MaxCDN and W3 Total CacheUpdated On 20/04/2018Author : Aakash GoyalTopic : WordPressShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogPage loading speed is one of the top factors considered by Search Engines for better results. If Google considers Site Speed for Search Ranking, then almost all the search engines does so. Even if you use a very basic theme but you have high volume of traffic and that too on shared hosting then surely you need a CDN (Content Distribution Network) and using caching plugin is like cherry on topping. Using CDNhelps in preventing downtime of website by serving a cached page. It helped me a lot to increase blog traffic and reduce Bounce Rate.So lets see how to configure Cloudflare along with any other CDN (here discussing MaxCDN) in order to improve the loading speed of your WordPre ss blog.Note: The below mentioned tutorial is for self-hosted WordPress blogs.1. Installing Configuring W3 Total CacheFirst install W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin. This is the best caching plugin available for WordPress blogs right now, so if you have installed any other plugin, kindly disable them.Options you should configure in W3 Total Cache:Browser CachingPage Cache â€" DiskDatabase Cache â€" DiskObject Cache â€" DiskConfiguring Cloudflare For Your BlogNow signup at Cloudflare to distribute content. It also helps in preventing your website from getting hacked as you can blacklist the IP of visitors. Some webhosts also have option to do it via cPanel but when I did it via cPanel it led to 3 days downtime of my blog.READHow Drinking Water Regularly While You Blog Helps You Write BetterUpdate Your Blogs NameserversNow go to your Domain Registrar. Then there update your websites nameservers via Domain Manager.2. Configure W3 Total Cache for CloudflareGo to the W3 Total Cache setti ngs. Click on Performance and scroll down you will be able to see Network Performance and Security by Cloudflare. Now insert your API in the field provided, also fill your domain name and email which you provided during signup at Cloudflare.3. Configure W3 Total Cache For MaxCDNSo here is our final step, go to sign up at MaxCDN.You can use coupons to get good discount.The one which recently got popular was testdrivemaxcdn by using this coupon you can get 12 months subscription of 1 tb data for just 1 cent, you can Google it for more.After signup Create a Pull Zone. Enter your websites URL in Original Server URL including http:// then enter a custom CDN domain. Generally preferred format is put any label you want and tick the Compression and finally click on create.So lets start configuring W3 Total Cache for using MaxCDN. Fill the API key and API ID and leave SSL support auto.Save the settings, grab a cup of coffee and wait for 24 hours for Cloudflare. You will se e a measurable increase in pageviews and decrease in bounce rate. In my case I observed good increase of pageviews by 20%. So are you going to supercharge your blog today?
Monday, May 25, 2020
Analysis Of The Color Purple By Alice Walker - 776 Words
Alice Walkers rough life growing up, gives us a clear image of how her background impacted the delicate themes she writes about in her novels. For example, at a young age, Walker was insecure about her appearance, which led her to a new mental state of mind. In an interview of Alice by OBrien, she describes, I daydreamed of falling swords, putting guns to my heart or head, and of slashing my wrists. (OBrien). Alice Walkers insecurities led her to be depressed, which then introduced her passion for writing. Alice Walkers history of depression may pinpoint the reason she started writing but moreover, what she started writing. Alice Walker writes about sensitive topics including racism, sexism religious views, and homosexuality. Many†¦show more content†¦The Color Purple also contains many examples of gender inequality, contributing to the push for banning the novel. An example is when Mr. ____ is describing Celie, he declares, Look at you. You black, you poor, you ugly, you a woman. Goddamn, he say. You nothing at all.†(Walker 206). Mr. ____ believes that women are worthless and therefore, the wrong doings he has committed against Celie do not matter. This reference can give readers the wrong perspective of women, thinking that men have right to abuse womens rights. According to Walker, we see that Mr. ____ shamelessly points out flaws of Celie, causing her to feel worthless and uncomfortable, hence showing explicit gender inequality and abuse used in the novel. The clear use of malicious language is a definite reason why The Color Purple should be banned. Additionally, Walker exhibits the theme of gender inequality on page 206 when Mr. ____ fights to get Celie to work for him and not leave with Shug Avery. He says, Whoever heard of such a thing, I probably didnt whop your ass enough. (Walker 206). In effect, when Celie is informing Mr. ____ that she will be leaving and staying with Shug Avery, he does not want Celie to leave because she does eve rything asked of her, this is unfair to Celie. Again Walker, a controversial feminist, is illustrating the idea that Celie is an independent woman who should be allowed to makeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Color Purple By Alice Walker1173 Words  | 5 Pagestheir heads!†â€Å"Touch the spinning wheel!†â€Å"Did I say anything about purple dragons?†We all recognize the quotes of Disney’s infamous female villains. In these, and all other Disney movies, there is usually a female protagonists and antagonists who reign supreme to their male counterparts. But what happens in reality? Do women have that same authority over their lives? Alice Walker sheds light on this debate in her novel The Color Purple. Celie, the main character, grows up in a predominantly, male-ruledRead MoreAnalysis Of The Color Purple By Alice Walker1444 Words  | 6 PagesMasamoto, Lani Ms. Britton Eng. 4 AP/Per. 3 28 August 2014 Literary Review 1. The Color Purple by Alice Walker; The color purple is commonly used to symbolize royalty and a deep connection spiritually. Celie, the main character in the novel, writes many of her very personal letters and thoughts that she has never shared with to anyone else to God. She deeply connects spiritually with God. She knows that, unlike everyone else present around her in society, God will neither discriminate or judgeRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Alice Walker s The Color Purple1489 Words  | 6 PagesSisterhood and Feminism: A Literary Analysis of Alice Walker’s The Color Purple Behind every beautiful thing, there s some kind of pain. The color purple represents royalty and nobility, which can be use to describe the personality of Celie and Nettie and their value of life. Purple is created by combining a strong warm with a strong cool color. The one color contain two completely opposite colors which represent price of royalty and nobility. The Color Purple using epi stolary style to describeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Color Purple 1043 Words  | 5 PagesIn this essay, I am going to analyze the intersectionality of oppression in Alice Walkers novel, The Color Purple. I am going to show how the political categories of race, sexuality and gender play a role throughout. I am also going to discuss Walker’s own term, â€Å"Womanism†and how that plays throughout the story. I will be focusing on the main character Celie, as well as other characters to help me demonstrate my analysis effectively. Celie, the main character, starts out the book writing lettersRead MoreLanguage and Male Supremacy in Alice Walkers The Color Purple694 Words  | 3 Pagesviolence incident. In analysis, when husbands abuse their wives, it does not cure their hurtful feelings; it only creates problems and hurts women. Historically, Southern men in the middle 1900’s, like the ones in The Color Purple, traditionally treated their wives as if they were worthless or unimportant. In her novel, The Color Purple, Alice Walker shows husbands abuse their power over their wives to escape their problems through Harpo, Mr. _____ and Grady. First, Alice Walker shows husbands abuseRead MoreEssay on Race and Class in Alice Walkers Color Purple1622 Words  | 7 PagesEssay on Race and Class in The Color Purple    An important  juncture in Alice Walkers The Color Purple is reached when Celie first recovers the missing letters from her long-lost sister Nettie. This discovery not only signals the introduction of a new narrator to this epistolary novel but also begins the transformation of Celie from writer to reader. Indeed, the passage in which Celie struggles to puzzle out the markings on her first envelope from Nettie provides a concrete illustration Read MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1445 Words  | 6 Pages Oppression and Strength In Alice walker’s â€Å"The Color Purple†she uses foil characters such as Celie and Shug to express the polar opposites that are inevitably found when abuse occurs. Celie represents submission and low self value. Shug on the other hand represents Independence and intolerance. Both characteristics coincide bringing forth friendship and change. In the book â€Å"The Color Purple†the writer Alice Walker illustrates a story of bravery, struggle and oppressionRead MoreThe Color Purple Essay954 Words  | 4 PagesAn Analysis of three messages from The Color Purple â€Å"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are†Some people cant wait to grow up, whereas others want to hold onto the past and not see what is to come. Those people that hold onto the past or live in the past dont know how to move on. An author by the name Alice Walker(b. 1944) a woman that believed she could do a lot. Alice Walker wrote a book and it was also turned into a movie but a man stated, â€Å"the book  about the abuse andRead MoreThe Color Purple By Alice Walker1540 Words  | 7 Pages Alice Walker is an award winning  author, most famously recognized for her novel  The Color Purple ;aside from being a novelist Walker is also a poet,essayist and activist .Her writing explores various social aspects as it concerns women and also celebrates political as well as social revolution. Walker has gained the reputation of being a prominent spokesperson and a symbolic figure for black feminism. Proper analyzation  of Walker s work comes from the  knowledge on her early life, educationalRead MoreReader-Response Criticism: Langston Hughes’ Dream Boogie1222 Words  | 5 Pagesoverview on Literary Criticism. Literary Criticism is defined as â€Å"†¦an informed response a person makes to literature after openly (imaginatively) experiencing it†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Clugton, R. W., 2010). This, in Laymen’s terms, means that one would make their own analysis or describe a literary work after they have fully read it and came to their own conclusion. After Clugton explains what Literary Criticism is, he went a step further to explain to the reader some strategies of approaching or mapping out those
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Rwandan Foreign Policy By Exploring And Discussing How...
This thesis illustrated a new way to better examine Rwandan foreign policy by exploring and discussing how Rwandan leaders view the international community. The traditional standard narrative on Rwandan foreign relations focused heavily on how Rwanda acted with other states, institutions and actors. What was continually missing within the existing literature was a deep understanding of why Rwandan leaders interacted in a certain way with the international community. The genocide guilt card is most notable in this fault as it heavily focused on the explaining the mechanism of guilting to which the Rwandan government used to gain state interests. While the guilt card is perhaps the most known narrative of Rwandan foreign policy, it is not the only one. And such as with the guilting, these other literature sources on foreign aid, shifting diplomatic alliances and development, do not discuss the mentality of the Rwandan government with the world. Literature on Rwanda’s military, t he Rwanda Defence Force, is the closest to uncovering how the country views the world. However, the analysis is rather limited as the focus is not on international relations, but on military-related subjects. The research presented here states that Rwandan foreign policy contains complexities of three major themes and groups. These were identified through interviews and data collected during three main periods of fieldwork within Rwanda, Washington D.C. and New York by the Rwandan officials responsibleShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagescolonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the late 1700s. But at the same time, without serious attention to the processes and misguided policies that led to decades of agrarian and industrial depression from the late 1860s to the 1890s, as well as the social tensions and political rivalries that generated and were in turn fed by imperialist expansionism, one cannot begin to comprehend the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assess Kamil s Writing Skills Essay - 2316 Words
In order to assess Kamil’s writing skills, I collected and analyzed a few writing pieces of various types of writing. Kamil’s style of writing and the tone differ depending on the type of composition, which means that he is aware of the purpose and the potential audience when he writes. The graphic aspect of writing indicates that Kamil has knowledge about forming the 26 letters of the English alphabet. His writing is also legible and clear most of the time. Some pieces of Kamil’s writing, such as â€Å"Feature Article†, â€Å"Oil Spilling†, â€Å"Minecraft†, and â€Å"How I came to America†include a thoughtful and interesting introduction as well as an effective and creative conclusion. In these compositions, Kamil groups and organizes facts logically, he links the ideas together, using transition words, e.g. â€Å"After ten hours of doing stuff we finally got to America! Thereafter we went througth the securite machines†¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ Also, a variety of sentences is applied in these pieces. On the other hand, a persuasive letter and an opinion piece, â€Å"What would you rather do: find your way through a corn maze or tour a haunted house?†include a few confusing sentences and thoughts. The introduction and closing are not precise, as they do not clearly state Kamil’s personal opinion. For example, in a persuasive letter to the principal of his school, Kamil states a few good reasons why his school should not have air conditioning, he supports his arguments with some pieces of evidence, and then, in closingShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of Considering Philosophical and Psychological Foundations in Developing a Curriculum.9983 Words  | 40 Pagesbeginning in disturbed home relationships, limits of the subject-matter patterns of organization, and encouragement of developing creative thinking. â€Å"The purpose of education in Malaysia is to enable Malaysian society to have a command of the knowledge, skills, and values necessary in a world that is highly competitive and globalised, arising from the impact of rapid development in science, technology, and information†. Preamble to the Education Act (1996). So, I would like to take this topic, the importanceRead MoreSupporting the Development of English Literacy in English Language Learners22851 Words  | 92 Pagesthe development of English literacy, does not advocate English-only instruction for ELLs. Research indicates that children who acquire literacy skills in a first language transfer those skills to their second language (Fitzgerald, 1995; Garcia, 1998). Collier and Thomas (1989) report that children who had attended school and learned basic literacy skills in a native language before emigrating to the United States achieved academic parity with peers as soon as they had acquired proficiency in EnglishRead MoreLearning Vocabulary And Impacts Of Reading Essay10232 Words  | 41 Pagesyou use regularly when you are speaking or writing. As we said, these words are part of your active vocabulary And then there are some another words that you understand when you hear them on television, but you do not use in your everyday speech. These words are part of your passive vocabulary (1997-2014 English Club). Vocabulary knowledge is not something that be fully mastered; it is something that expands deepens over the course of life time. A person s vocabulary is the set of words within a language
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
National Honor Society free essay sample
It is a great honor and privilege to be nominated for the National Honor Society. This has been one of my goals since being a part of the National Junior Honor Society in middle school. The National Honor Society is said to be looking for student’s service, character, leadership, and someone who has made a difference. I feel as if I fit all of these requirements. I serve the community through many different ways. I volunteer to help with things going on around the community, for example, I have signed up to help with registration for a race that was going on at a local gym. I have also contributed in helping kids and adults with special needs. I helped at Farm, teaching these people how to ride horses and communicate with others. Riding horses helped them learn how to use their body more efficiently. I feel as all of us that had the chance to contribute in helping them changed these adults and kids lives. We will write a custom essay sample on National Honor Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They also changed ours on how we look at people. At the farm I also have taught at horse camp with the 8 and under kids. Being a counselor isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. You really have to teach the kids good communication with others around them and also some rules and morals that they will hopefully carry on in life. Like, forgiving each other, and not to hold grudges against one another. I feel that character is a large part of life. Luckily, I have two parents that have taught me my morals. Unfortunately, not everyone has had these instilled in their lives. Whenever I get a chance I make sure to help and show other people mine. When my friends are mean to others in school I tell them to treat others how you would like to be treated. As a student of High School I have noticed that there is a lot of bullying, whether by race, religion, ability to learn, or what â€Å"group†you are part of. I think this all needs to stop, even though some people may think it’s impossible to stop bullying from happening, I think it is possible. I believe if people weren’t so caught up in what other’s thought of them and instead of what they thought of themselves bullying would end. If people find their respect and actually have character in what they do whether it’s going to a restaurant, during a sports game, or at school the world would be a better place. I feel as if I have a good character but I would still like to improve it. I have learned a lot about my character through my freshman year of lacrosse . Our coach taught us so much about being a good person not only on the outside but also on the inside. Being a leader is a lot more than just having the name of captain, owner, or coach, it means being able to stand up and encourage others and lead them in the right direction. Even if you are not called a â€Å"captain†on your sports team doesn’t mean you aren’t a leader. I also believe that â€Å"captains†or â€Å"leaders†that are negative about everything aren’t really leaders. I was recognized for Student of the Month in March of 2012. I was picked by the art department but not because I was good at art, it was because I had a good attitude and was hardworking. I also encouraged others to do their best. Another part of working as a counselor at Farm taught me how to be a leader. I had always just followed what others did until I started doing this. I had to step out of my shell and teach the little kids I was assigned to, there was no one really telling me what to do. This experience is what made me most of what I am today, able to step out of my shell and lead people. During the 2012-2013 season of soccer at High I was nominated captain which was very nerve wracking for me. Luckily I was able to stand up and actually be a leader. When my coach would come up and ask me a question about what she should do about one of the players, I would tell her what I truthfully thought, not just what she or that player wanted to hear. Another aspect of me is me academically; I am very hardworking and love to be put to a challenge. I make lots of goals for myself and put a lot more pressure on myself than what my parents put on me. I have had goals to be part of the NHS, get straight A’s, stay above a 4.0 GPA, get a high class rank, and get into a good college. I have been able to accomplish lots of these goals. I have received Principal’s Honor Roll every marking period, except for 1st marking period of my freshman year, where I had one B. I currently have a 4.38 weighted GPA, and a 3.95 unweighted GPA. I am also currently #8 in my graduating class, my goal is to get up to either #1-5. Lots of people are saying that it’s impossible because of the students that are in those numbers currently, but I am determined to get above them. I feel like I have definitely made a difference in lots of people’s lives; my family, teammates, classmates, strangers, and friends. Whenever someone needs help with something, especially in school I am willing to help them understand by teaching them. This not only helps them but helps me learn the subject more by being able to explain it to them. During 4-H I taught strangers about my animals that they didn’t have the opportunity to learn about or have. Thank you for considering me for this recognition of the National Honor Society.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Nokia Essays - Brand Management, Marketing, Nokia, CAC 40
Nokia Nokia SWOT STRENGTHS Nokia has long established identity (1898); lots of available resources (financial, etc.) Schmohl is experienced in international marketing (Adidas and Uniroyal) Nokia has high penetration rate in Europe, especially in Northern countries (close to 100%) Nokia Consumer Electronics has access to innovative technology through group companies WEAKNESSES Lack of centralized marketing strategy and champion; completely different positioning strategy depending on the country Too many brand names (100) in one market; problem trying to find balance Corporate culture is highly technical and operational: So what if the customer does not understand!; lack of customer service priority OPPORTUNITIES Potential for brand name sales in Europe = differentiation Growing replacement and supplement television market NCE has opportunity of using its technology to enhance user-friendliness THREATS The market for color TVs and VCRs is a mature/saturated market; consumers are buying less often and only to replace older units (same trend for all countries across Europe) Can't differentiate based on technical advancement or price; competitors too fast to match Impact of recent purchases (for example, Sony) and mergers is unknown; competitors are getting larger and integrating supply chains Competitors (Samsung, Goldstar, Daewoo) quickly and successfully building brand name and image Branding Strategy In the colour TV market, neither technology nor price provides a competitive advantage. The decision a consumer makes to purchase is primarily motivated by emotion, and is driven largely by comfort level with a particular brand. A successful branding strategy for NCE is, therefore, critical to gaining a competitive advantage. Specifically, NCE should brand for the following reasons: Competitive advantage is gained through brand name (not technology or price) According to brand awareness studies, Nokia is recognized most of the time (in Germany, France, Italy, UK and Norway), but not necessarily affiliated with consumer electronics such as TVs and VCRs Consumers buy televisions based on emotion Consumers perceive value in features that are marketed as user-friendly In the past Nokia has relied heavily on its ability to innovate?it is a strong technology company. However, it is not good at introducing or packaging this technology for consumers. Schmohl must introduce a new mindset to NCE; a strategic shift that encourages customer service and international marketing. Internal Management Challenge Schmohl faces at least two challenges within NCE that he must address immediately: 1. Lack of a marketing champion in corporate headquarters 2. A continued reliance on technology as the main marketing approach. For example, the remote control TV mouse is centered on technology and may frighten away potential customers who may perceive it as too technical. Options for solving these include: (1) push down his ideas and force all to comply using his positional power; (2) soft approach?gradually getting buy-in to his plans from technical representative, sales and marketing. Option 1 is not viable since even though it may result in short-term agreement, it will result in resignations, poor morale and distrust in senior management over the long run. Since the change process can be slow, Schmohl should adopt option 2 that means getting buy-in at the senior management level. If there is disagreement at the highest level of the company on international marketing strategy, then the same can be expected throughout the ranks of the company. For example, the vice-president of engineering may agree on the surface, but tell his employees to continue to do what they have always done (don't play the new marketing tapes at the fairs, etc.). Getting Buy-in from the Dealer Network The dealer network is critical to their branding strategy. If a dealer is not satisfied or confident with a manufacturers market position, they may lead a potential buyer to a competitive brand. NCE must maintain its strong brand-marketing program. And it needs to dealers to support them or they will fail. To do this, Schmohl should be willing to increase margins to dealers or incentive programs to encourage them to sell the Nokia brand vision and concept. Ultimately a successful marketing campaign will draw customers into the dealer's door. If Nokia is foremost in their mind, we want the dealer to sell them Nokia, not attempt to switch to a competitive brand. Customer Brand Awareness and Association The Nokia brand name
Monday, March 9, 2020
s Presence
makes you think that you can see in to his inner thoughts. Since this works is a speech it is the writer’s presence. Every time I read this essay it makes me think about the man who gave it. King was a very powerful African American man. I feel that he is most recognizable by his powerful voice. Voice is an important part of the speech. McQuade and Atwan characterize voice, as â€Å"The writers â€Å"signature††(2). This speech, if given by any other person, would have been weak. This was because of the tremendous support that the King had when he gave this speech. At a time where his people where not wanted, King rose above it and brought to life the injustices. All through out the speech King’s voice is easily detected. The voice of this speech is so powerful that people still think about this speech when they hear the phrase â€Å"I have a Dream.†Personal experience is another concept that that is easily seen in this essay. This speech would not have been as influential if any other person but an African American person gave this speech. Most importantly this speech would not of been so revolutionary if Martin King did not give it. At the time King stood for the people of his heritage. For African Americans, King was their leader to freedom. All of their struggles and all of their hardships are cried out through the King. King makes this connection by using the term â€Å"We†. ... 's Presence Free Essays on Writer\'s Presence The Writer’s Presence, written by Donald McQuade and Robert Atwan, stresses the importance of the writer’s presence. They outline four possible ways to find an authors presence in his work. Martin Luther King’s speech â€Å"I have a Dream†is one work where the writer’s presence is very easy to see. The speech is so well known to me that every time I hear it, the speech makes things inside of me feel different. This is because I feel like I am right with him at the time of the speech. The way that he organizes the words makes you think that you can see in to his inner thoughts. Since this works is a speech it is the writer’s presence. Every time I read this essay it makes me think about the man who gave it. King was a very powerful African American man. I feel that he is most recognizable by his powerful voice. Voice is an important part of the speech. McQuade and Atwan characterize voice, as â€Å"The writers â€Å"signature††(2). This speech, if given by any other person, would have been weak. This was because of the tremendous support that the King had when he gave this speech. At a time where his people where not wanted, King rose above it and brought to life the injustices. All through out the speech King’s voice is easily detected. The voice of this speech is so powerful that people still think about this speech when they hear the phrase â€Å"I have a Dream.†Personal experience is another concept that that is easily seen in this essay. This speech would not have been as influential if any other person but an African American person gave this speech. Most importantly this speech would not of been so revolutionary if Martin King did not give it. At the time King stood for the people of his heritage. For African Americans, King was their leader to freedom. All of their struggles and all of their hardships are cried out through the King. King makes this connection by using the term â€Å"We†. ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Preparing for and Taking Standardized Tests Research Paper
Preparing for and Taking Standardized Tests - Research Paper Example Students can have access to a wide array of practice tests before actually appearing in the test. In the past, students had to go to academies in addition to their regular schools in order to prepare for the tests. Adjusting this extra work in an already busy schedule was quite of a challenge for many hard working students. Academies consumed a lot of their time as a result of which, students lagged behind in their regular home work. Even then, the quality of education would not be up to the mark because most of the energy was consumed in adjusting new activities into the schedule and then adjusting with it. In addition to that, academies popular for their history of good results used to charge the willing students quite a lot of fees which many students could not afford. Today, students can have free access to past tests, sample papers, preparing tips and test taking strategies. Internet makes a holistic approach to enhance the abilities of students from all aspects so that they bec ome adequately equipped with the required skills before appearing in the exam. This not only saves students’ time, but also enables them to have quick access to the required information. The best thing about preparing for the standardized tests from the internet is that after going through the sample tests, a student gains a preliminary idea of the areas in which he/she is weak. This helps the student place particular emphasis upon the skill enhancement in that particular area. Many online test preparation sites recommend students to go through the sample tests once before the commencement of preparation, and the second time, after they think they have prepared sufficiently. The second test is no less useful than the first one because it provides the students with an insight into their skills and the extent to which they are really prepared for the standardized test next day. In the past, children liked going to academies not just for preparation, but also with a view to lear ning strategies and tips that would help them gain maximum marks in the minimal time. Today, the same purpose is served by internet. In fact, internet provides students with a much greater variety of strategies and tips all of which have been derived from the experience of past test takers. Although preparation of the standardized tests depends to much an extent, upon the individualistic preparation of a student, though teachers also have a special role to play in it. In order to ensure that all students are able to pass the standardized tests, it is imperative that teachers take out time from the regular classes to get the students prepared for the tests. According to Hollingworth (2007 cited in Tompkins, 2011) teachers can achieve this without compromising upon the regular instructional program in five ways discussed below: 1. Teachers should make sure that the curriculum standards imposed by their state are consistent with their program and adjust the material according to the re quirements of the test. 2. Teachers should establish milestones with students and should regularly supervise their progress through informal assessments. 3. Teachers should involve students in authentic activities of literacy in order to make them potential writers and readers. 4. Teachers should narrate the test’s purpose to the students and discuss the way the results will impact their future, but should not increase the students’
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Law and Economics School of Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Law and Economics School of Thought - Essay Example Morality is thus considered a function of humanity in any given society. In terms of human rights, natural law exponents are of the view that some rights are inherent and/or universally cognizable through human reason. This view was especially used in the formulation of common law. Enthusiasts of common law, therefore, mainly concur with this school of thought. The positivist view refers to a school of thought of jurisprudence and philosophy of law that largely developed in and around nineteenth-century Europe. Scholars agree that the base of legal positivism is the tenet that â€Å"In any give legal system, the legality of any norm and subsequent acceptance as part of the law in the said system is dependent on the norm’s source and not its strengths. The exponents of the school, in contrast with those who support the natural law, are of the view there is very little significant connection between morality and law. Positivists make some unique claims regarding what is and should be considered legally valid. Leslie Green, one of the most celebrated positivists, was convinced that a society can be correctly said to have a legal system if and when it has laid down structures of legal authority not when it dispenses justice or observes the ideals of democracy or the rule of law. The laws being enforced in such a system are highly dependent on whatever social standards the government officials recognize as being authoritative. Positivism, therefore, recognizes the authority of whatever has been posited as law. Positivism considers the law a social construction. Law and economics is a school of thought with its origins from the Benthamite jurisprudence.Â
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Myth Of Sisyphus And The Allegory Cave Essay Example for Free
Myth Of Sisyphus And The Allegory Cave Essay In the world of philosophy, it is widely known conception that Socrates and Plato had been the first few philosophers. A friend of mine once told me that some things that are said by philosophers could be footnoted to Plato. However, the validity of this statement may still be dubitable or debatable. But there is a point in this statement. It would then be hard for me to identify which philosopher had presented a compelling vision of the struggles and meaning of human life. Plato had presented as an idealist may have claimed that the man from the cave who had accepted the glaring sun would have to be the person who had sought the truth. Taking out the metaphorical aspect in the allegory, it seems that what Plato wants to convey is that man and his folly could not be reined at times especially when they are presented with the Truth. A man then who is trying to present this Truth would then be deemed as insane or they would shun his/her assertions as false or even wrong (Brians). On the other hand, Camus has presented us with a different side of human nature. Upon reading the Myth, I could fairly deduce that Camus wanted to convey the idea that Sisyphus’ ordeal could be taken in twofold. First is that it may just be pure torture to not be able to fulfill an ultimate goal and it could be seen as a victory on his part viz. being able to fulfill the destiny and be happy about it (Keefer). Reading what was said above and reading further the original text, there seems to be a connection between the two philosophers. The connection here is that Plato in his search for the truth is like Camus’ where it could be inferred that Camus’ discussion about life in general could mean finding the truth about life by doing the best we could in what we have in life. The connection may be arbitrary for others but this is what I could fairly deduce, so far. This certain connection then is making it hard for me to actually choose which philosopher had best described the meaning and struggles of human life. I could always go for the idiosyncratic or eccentric way that people tend to cling to ignorance and half-truths, which would be taken here as the little ‘t,’ or I could always go for the peculiar way where people would tend to find happiness in the absurd. Whichever philosopher I would choose, it would still trickle down to one idea, which is that the meaning and struggles that is present in human life could no longer be grasped in just choosing between the two philosophers. What they could present to us though is that a certain view about it but taking this question into the big picture would make it hard for a person to actually present an answer as quickly as one could blink the eye. Alas, the specifications had been set. In lieu of what were mentioned above, it is in great belief that Albert Camus has presented us a unique and dark approach in the struggles and meaning of human life. Not because his time is much closer than the present time but his approach has given me a new perspective that Plato did not. Camus, description of human life could be construed as something ‘absurd. ’ It seems that he believed in finding happiness in the absurdities that are presented to us and still say that â€Å"all is well (Keefer). †In a way, his assertion could be observed through other people in this world. Some people rejoice in the merest things and some people find it hard to be happy about the simplest things. To sum up what constitutes human nature and life would take me a lifetime or more to make me come up with an answer. What could be done though is the speculation that Camus’ claim could be justified in few of the people that I know. What is essentially a big score for Camus’ work is that he had been able to deduce a certain aspect of human nature and life where there are those who could rejoice in the mundane thinking that this is their life and the struggles that they have vary with such embracing of life. Plato, by using his works, could be deemed as an idealist. His concept of the world of forms and world of objects (â€Å"The Philosophy of Plato†), itself could be a way to rationalize his idealism. Yet, Plato had been one of the first few philosophers of his time and his deductions are commendable. This would not mean though that Plato would not have his flaws. One of this could be his assertion that man would continually find truths and few or nobody could be able to truly grasp the Truth since this Truth resides in the world of forms and it is what could be found in our soul (â€Å"The Philosophy of Plato†). What could be presented to us then is the replica of those Truths. This assertion may have been reasonable enough but as the course of the changing path of philosophy, Plato’s work could now be compared to other philosophers. The struggle then that a person would have according to Plato is to be able to find the truth and hopefully discover the big ‘T,’ Truth (Brians). In this aspect, what could be the strongest point that the opposition could present then is the fact that indeed some people are still struggling to find the truth. The meaning of life or our real identity is few of the truths that could still be found. This may be a big point for the opposition but not all of the people would believe this as so. They would naturally attribute this as curiosity that we have regarding the concept of life and some people usually get lost along the way that they tend to just accept the absurdities that are happening around them. Finding the meaning of life and wondering about the struggles that presents us would have taken us a lifetime. It is actually a tedious and sometimes a disappointing exercise. Yet most of the people are still, consciously or unconsciously, tries to resolve this big matter. I may not be in a position to prescribe how a person would be able to achieve these feats but I may be able to give out my own opinions about it. Choosing Camus’ work would definitely imply that I am under the impression that human life and conditions would not be easily resolved by trying to look for it in the form of the big ‘T’ or Truth like Plato had insinuated in his allegory. It is in my opinion that some people would not be actually be able to find the real meaning of life but he/she could more or less find a certain idea of what it would mean to live out the life that he/she has. Camus had summed it up through his Myth. In a way, it would be up to us on how we would be able to address the jackpot question that is life. We may be the defeated hero or we could take it out as the defiance against the forever frustration of the question and try to live out the life that we already know it to be. Although this would not necessarily mean stagnation but it would be called embracing what we have and try to make it our own ultimate goal to succeed. This mean then that people would be able to change the course or path that they could take especially when it could change in the long run. The only assertion that I could make then is that it would then depend on perspectives. Work Cited Article from the link given : Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus The Allegory of the cave. htm The Philosophy of Plato. 2002. September 21, 2007. http://radicalacademy. com/philplato1. htm.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Greedy Politics and America’s War On Iraq Essay -- Politics Political
On the morning of March 19, 2003, U.S.-led forces began to invade the Middle-Eastern country of Iraq with the intention of overthrowing its leader, Saddam Hussein. This action was taken primarily as a result of U.S. President George W. Bush’s long-standing contention that the Iraqi regime was a direct threat to the United States. Bush outlined his reasons for the attack in a speech he delivered to the American people in the days before the war: Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq's neighbors and against Iraq's people. The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda (Bush â€Å"Ultimatum†1). More than a year and a half ago, on September 11, 2001, a group of terrorists from the al Qaeda network hijacked four airliners and successfully used three of them to attack the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the World Trade Center in New York. These attacks marked the first time in American history that a full-scale attack was executed on our own soil, and they affected the American people on a number of different levels. Americans found themselves shocked that such an event could occur, as well as reeling with grief for the more than 3,000 people who died in the tragedy. Soon, the shock and grief that penetrated the hearts of the American people gave way, in part, to a sense of national pride. American flags waved from every overpass, and â€Å"God Bless America†could be heard on every r... ...arcourt, Brace and World, Inc. 1968. pp. 361-380. (Text available at Raasch, Chuck. â€Å"Public opinion intensifies on both sides of Iraq war.†The Advocate. 2 April, 2003: Stolberg, Cheryl Gay. â€Å"Threats and Responses: Washington Talk; And Order of Fries, Please, But Do Hold the French†. New York Times. 12 March 2003, Late Edition: Sec. A, p. 1, col. 5. Byrd, Robert C. â€Å"We Stand Passively Mute†. 12 February, 2003. Donnelly, Thomas, et al. Rebuilding America’s Defenses. Project for the New American Century. September 2000. (
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Local and National Provision Research Essay
Research and write about the local and national provision for your preferred sport. The aim of this assignment is to research the local and national provision for tennis. The main governing body for tennis is the Lawn Tennis Association. I will research how the LTA provides funding and helps players from a beginner level to and elite level. There are many ways in which a performer can improve and compete, I will research how these are done and what help is given. Often there isn’t sports provision for those with disabilities, i will investigate what is available in tennis. I will also research what is available in our area. Tennis venues in Suffolk include ? Park courts ? Clubs and village courts ? School and education facilities Tennis courts in parks are generally maintained and run by local authorities for example in Bury St Edmunds there are courts in the Abbey Gardens. Courts are expensive to hire at around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 per hour. There are several clubs in West Suffolk for example The Risbygate Club in Bury St Edmunds. There is a joining fee for the club, which is quite expensive particularly for young people however, the subsequent cost of hiring the court is cheaper than / A number of villages in the West Suffolk area have their own communal courts which you can access providing you are a resident in the village, for example Bardwell has 2 courts. There are no indoor courts in West Suffolk therefore tennis is mostly played through spring and summer. Tennis lessons for children are available throughout the year in venues such as local leisure centres and schools where mini courts and practise sessions can be set up. For those who wish to compete there is the Glasswells tournament in the summer,in Bury St Edmunds, all other competitions take place further a field which require transport to get there. The LTA is the main tennis governing body. It makes these opening statements on its website â€Å"OUR VISION, To make Britain a great tennis nation. OUR MISSION, More players, Better players.†( The LTA aims to develop tennis from the grass roots of tennis to international success. They have clear priorities, juniors, clubs and performance. They believe in order to succeed, tennis needs to be played from a young age, money is invested in encouraging very young children to the game and helping them develop their skills to become talented players who will represent their country. The British Tennis Foundation is the official tennis charity. It works alongside the LTA, to provide opportunity for young people and those with disabilities. It helps organise come and try sessions, national training programmes and international tournaments. The Central Council of Physical Recreation CCPR is responsible for distributing lottery money to national governing bodies, some of this money is given to the LTA to invest in the development of tennis. The National Coaching Federation NCF aims to improve the standard of coaching in the UK. It runs courses to ensure coaches are fully qualified and are able to coach participants to the very highest standards. This enables players to be coached my the very best and produce a very competitive edge. Many talented performers begin playing tennis at a very young age, they gradually move up through club age groups. When a youngster with talent is spotted their coaching becomes more intense and their level of competition increases. The LTA has a system of tennis coaching which begins young and carries on to senior tennis.  4-8years, mini tennis, this is fun and ensures tennis is enjoyable and played regularly 8-10years, club futures, clubs and coaches provide opportunities for juniors with talent to compete and be involved in club performance programmes 11-13years, county futures, talented players are spotted from club futures to be part of a nationwide programme at county level 11-14years, national futures, young competitors who have the right athletic ability, competitive attitude, mental balance and behaviour are chosen and are provided with the technique to succeed on the international stage  14-22years, academies and intermediate, preparing players to make the step from junior to senior game by providing competitions and physical conditioning 22+, senior players, intensive coaching and training. If a talented player wishes to pursue a career in tennis but also study for a degree at university, special scholarships are available to ensure top coaching is still available but alongside studies. Wheelchair tennis can be played against others in wheelchairs or able bodies players. The International Tennis Foundation regulates the wheelchair game. The ITF ensures wheelchair competitors can compete in the worlds most prestigious events. Wheelchair tennis can be played on regular tennis courts, so some facilities are available. Many wheelchair players are discriminated against and there are no wheelchair teams locally. This is because nationally wheelchair isn’t as widely played as able bodied tennis. Tennis provision is minimum at the moment, but it is higher than it has been. The LTA is committed to developing the game and with encouragement from those already participating I believe in the future tennis will have the best facilities and provision, regardless of their age, gender, or ability.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
If God Does Not Exist, Then Everything Is Permitted
Many of us have wondered about the role of a Deity, in defining our moral code, and this has been a subject of discourse among scholars and philosophers since centuries. Many define morality as the innate ability of the human conscience to draw input for decisions which they believe is present there by itself. While some say that the (belief on the) presence of God gives them strength and inspiration to overcome their inability to follow moral standards (which are already defined) especially when they conflict with their self-interests. Although, some people argue that social stimulus imposes limits to one’s actions even if God does not exist. However, a person is at absolute liberty to perform, whatsoever one wants to in the non-existence†¦show more content†¦In order to define some (objective) moral principles the need of presence of an authoritative commander cannot be denied. One may regard something as immoral and refrain from doing it, but when the beast inside a human comes out, then acts of slavery, murder, rape, child abuse and genocide become history. In the absence of any transcendental limits there is nothing to stop one from behaving ruthlessly. Without God, one cannot be objectively moral because then one would have one’s own definition of morality. In the absence of objective moral values (that would be present only in the existence of God), one would always want to act in the way that would favor his self-interest and would not even hesitate to take one’s life just to give vent to his anger feelings. So having a belief in a particular deity and His revelation is actually what guides one’s thoughts and actions. Even though, the objective moral principles have been defined yet the human nature is unable to follow it and (a fear of) something is needed to enforce it. The reason is not that one does not realize its value and is skeptic of the credibility of its origin, but it is so because of the selfish and evil nature of human beings which makes one unable to make rational decision when one’s self-interest is at stake. This inability of human to carry out good has also been described in Bible, â€Å"For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For IShow MoreRelatedIf God Eoes Not Exist, Everything Is Permitted Essay1289 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"If God does not exist, everything is permitted.†by Fyodor Dostoyevsky is a popular phrase used by theists, theologians and conservatives when questioned about the connection between faith in God and morality. In other words it is claimed that without the belief in a supreme supernatural figure who maintains law and order in the whole of cosmos, a man cannot regulate himself as a socially and morally acceptable individual. This in fact presents a major logical fallacy since it is based on a beliefRead MoreViolence in the Eyes of God1156 Words  | 5 Pagessetting is nothing short of a duel between the â€Å"sense†and theâ€Å"nonsense†.Likewise, Dostoevsky’s claim, although adequately lamenting the fickle shades of the soul, does not represent the case for humanity because it challenges the years of experiences which have shaped it. Human nature is governed by the whip of social stimulus, and no God (or its fear) has a more potent effect than social censure and/or legitimization. Social factors are the biggest reason for almost all of our actions. We doRead MoreDoes God Exist?1366 Words  | 5 Pagesbetween Jesus and his disciples before Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. The main philosophical question that arose to me when I saw this painting was if God exists. Depicted in the painting there is a higher being or God watching over Jesus and his disciples. There are many arguments and ideas for the existence of a higher being or God, some of the main ones are; Pascal’s Wager, the Ontological argument, the Cosmological argument, the Teleological argument, the Moral argument, and the argumentRead MoreIs Faith a Good Basis of Knowledge in Religion?1328 Words  | 5 PagesFaith in the context of religion is being used to identify a token of confidence. It is important to understand that faith is the source of religion and therefore can exist without religion however religion can certainly not exist without faith . Religion has been seen as a meth od of rationalizing various cultural phenomena which characterize the human agency, the human way of acting, reasoning, and feeling. Despite the lack of knowledge on religion it still manages to influence moral values. ReligiousRead MoreControversy Between the Existence of God Essay example1451 Words  | 6 PagesIn â€Å"The Brothers Karamazov†by Fyodor Dostoevsky made a famous claim that establishes the link between the existence of God and morality. Apart from the controversy related to the scope of the quotation, the discussion on the proper translation and interpretation of the words of Ivan Karamazov. For instance, in his article â€Å"Dostoevsky did not say it†D.Cortesi claims that Dostoevsky did not make such claim (Cortesi 1). However, the research by Russian-speaking authors shows that the original textRead MoreReligion and Morality1263 Words  | 6 Pagesways of behaving. Aquinas believed that if God exists morality exists and that God made humans only his image, when we are good, we are reflecting God s image . He also believed that goodness on earth reflects on God s morally good perfection, so because God made us based on his image, when we are good we are reflecting on his perfect image. However Kant s view is the opposite to this, he believed that if morality exists God must exist and that the highest of good is perfection, althoughRead MoreThe Religion Of God And Muhammed960 Words  | 4 PagesMany people in the world believe in something some people believe in god some believes god does not exist at all. Many different religions exist in world My religion is Muslim. I believe in god and Muhammed because that is what my religion teaches. However, I cannot really say that I am practicing my religion truly. My religion requires me to pray for five times a day and I have never done that. In fact, I do not even know how to do that. I am not proud of saying that but this is what I am. I amRead MoreThe Doctrine Of Divine Command Theory Essay1665 Words  | 7 PagesTheory â€Å"If God does not exist, then everything is permitted,†in other words, if there turns out to be no God then nothing is morally wrong. Someone who would believe a statement such as this one would most likely be in agreement with the Divine Command Theory---the reason being that the main claim in this theory is, all that is morally right, is right because God commands it so. Therefore in order to believe in the Divine Command Theory, one would need to be a strong believer in God---and wouldRead MoreEssay on Sartre and the Meaning of Human Existence848 Words  | 4 Pagesmans existence. According to Sartre mans existence only takes on meaning through his actions. The Sartrian existentialist finds it extremely troubling that God does not exist because with Him vanishes all hope of finding values in an intelligible heaven. As Dostoevsky once said, If God did not exist, then everything would be permitted.(pg 22) Sartre claims this to be the existentialist starting point. This is the reason that Sartre talks about anguish, because one cannot find anything to dependRead MoreExistentialism Is a Humanism1700 Words  | 7 PagesExistential Atheists, which Sartre is included, man defines himself and not the creator that conceived him. RESPONSIBILITY An implication given in the lecture is how a being would be able to existence would come before its essence even if God does not exist. Sartre mentioned that there is no human nature because we define ourselves and not by any force that lives inside us. By Sartre saying that â€Å"in choosing for himself, he chooses for all men†, he means that when humans make decisions, it
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